
Teachers Day !

Teacher's Day! But who are your teachers? Whom should I go and greet? I started making list of teachers in school and college and other institutions I went to. Then I went in reviewing the list. Have I left somebody who I might miss Greeting? Suddenly a voice erupts from behind "Papa, on Monday you said you will take us out to that park near our school  on Thursday afternoon . Now it is Thursday, and it is afternoon. Let us go. " "Oh beta, I am doing some important work. Can we go  tomorrow  morning? " "You promised last time but you had a meeting, and we could not go. " " arre beta " " Now you don't have meeting na, whatever you are doing, you can do after we return. It will be dark pretty soon and then we can't play. See it looks like rain is also coming. " "Wait a bit beta, give me 5 more minutes." She sat next to me with the mobile showing time clock all over its face. Obviously counting 5 mi

5 and 7 chasing American Independence and the world history

On this American Independence Day I thought to go back in history and see how American fought for its Independence but my bad trait of playing with statistics came to fore and I got lost somewhere else. Would you like to know where I got lost? 17 5 7 -- British won the Battle of Plassey to start their stint in Indian subcontinent 17 7 5 -- Start of the War of Independence for what we call America now. Doesn't this look like British had some kind of premonition that they are going to lose the big continent and so they took a move to secure another side of the planet to keep their supremacy for some more time? 18 5 7 - Indian war for Independence took center stage. Another big Democracy was in the making. 18 7 5 -- The Congress in United States passed a law that prohibited racial Discrimination in public accommodations. This was the first of its kind that was going to change the world around us forever. 19 5 7 -- The first satellite to go in space. Nobody knew at that time that

Are you Customer Centric?

I was wondering for a long time about the expression ' Customer centric ' but when I understood it now I see my mother knew it much before these Management gurus coined this word except that she did not know the expression. On my birthday she will cook kheer (pudding) with all the ingredient that I love them in kheer. When I am sad and down, she will cook meal that contains great Paneer tikka masala, a masala puri and a very tasty papar that enliven my spirit. When I went to woo my dear girlfriend I will do everything that I think she loves to watch. If I already know about something that she loves to have I will gift her the very same thing on her special day. If I speak something to my dear friend and he feels rejected or hated because of it, I will immediately feel sorry and say so to him. I will try to enliven his spirit by taking him to one of the fantastic films we both wanted to watch for a long time. If I am playing with my kid, I will do what makes it laugh and play

Life is encrypted?

For Indians it comes naturally to go to the saints and sanyasis for better future and rewards. And they say they have understood life. But had they? Mani in his book 'Code is God' has tried to prove that God is one, but is He? Time magazine some 80 years back questioned on its cover 'Is God Dead?' But was God alive at any time ever in the past that He will die? 'GOD' is still a puzzle that all religion is trying to solve but failed till date. Why? Vivekanand once said, "God manifest itself in many forms and one has to be awake to understand it'. Similarly, Mani in his book 'Code is God' said ' you need to tune your radio station to the Gods' radio station to listen to him' That is really difficult. I DONT say impossible because I don't know yet that it can be or cannot be achieved. All this intrigued you as well, right? God is something that nobody knows fully about. We are still blind people trying to talk about the elephant whi